Thursday, 3 December 2009

pichers for dobbel page spred content page and frunt cover

contence page

this is my contents page i have stuck to the codes and conventions and i have designed my lay out simler to the way my target audences magezeans would look like eg karrang ,Q and others

pichers used on contents

this is a picher of larna holding a getar i have used her for my edditer and i have also used the getar as a back ground picher
this is a pic of my ticket for hollywoodundead i have u sed this a fue times but i have all so changed the colours of them to make it look like ther are different tickets , i have all so used it a a nother part of the back ground

this is a picher of mykee standing on an amp doing screemo this is in the back ground on my contance page , i chose to have this because it really relates to my audence

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

ruff seches of school magazeian

2nd december

to day i finished my contents page and i just need my main picture for my frount cover , i am all so geting my intervue tommorow an all i will then need to do it just quickly type it up , probley during a lunch time , my frount cover and doubble pge spred are all set out and reddy all i am wating for is a fue pictures and my intervue

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

25th november

to day i have been adding to my contents , dubbelpage spreed and frount cover i made a disison on my contents page tohave a blended back grownd to mach my frount cover , i reall like the back ground

Sunday, 22 November 2009

pie charts

i found out that the most actebal price for a magazine that my target audence would pay for a magazine was three pound so i will ame for this price range
i was planing on doing a intervue and i asked how menny questuions would they expect to c in opne and the moste commes was five but they wasent that botherd a bout them they sed ther not that intersterestin so i might no use this

for my free item the moste commen was a cd by far menny of them wanted a cd with a fue new songs out so i might include this in my magazine

tally (results)

Males:11 Females:9

Ages :14 :2Ages 15: 2Ages 16 : 9Ages 17:4Age 18 :3

3 Colours
Purpil 9Yellow5Blue 5Black 18 Brown5White 8Red 4Grey 1

Acceptable price :£3 14 £3.50 1 £4 5

Indy related words
Loud4 safety pins differentArty 1 pokemon 1 colours1 Peck4 black 2 fashion 1Guitar 5 piercing 1 long hairFringe 6 kerange indy Alcohol music 2 rock 80’s emo1 blue Studs paramour people Bands 3 cheese burgersGigs 6 fingersSkinnys1 fun 4Tattoos 1 individual 4

How often would you bye magazine Hardly 1 Weekly7 Monthly 11

Do you subscribe? Yes 4 (all kerange )No 16

Free item?Voucher Poster 3 Belt2 Cd 7 Makup2 Hairspray

Would you be interested in reading a bout a new band ?Yes 20No 0Maybe 0

How many questions would u think would be expectable in a interview 15 .719.3 10.3 1420. 20 6


i intervue a boy calle martion this boy is like my target audence



1. What gender are you?……………………..

2. What age range would you fit in to? ……………………………….

3. What colour scheme (three colours) would you relate to Indy rock?……………………………..

4. What is an acceptable price for a Indy rock magazine?………………………………

5. When I say Indy rock what for words would you relate to it?……… ………… ………… …………

6. How often would you say you bye magazines?……………………………………….

7. Do you scribe to magazine if so what one? …………………………………………….

8. Would you like a free item in your magazine if so what?………………………………………………

9. Would you be interested in reading a bout a new band?……………………………………………

10. How many questions would u expect to be in an interview?……………………..

Friday, 20 November 2009

publaction plan

Title: plectrum

Positioning statement: struming your life in tune



Distrabution:Newsagents, in the o2 academe ,supermarkets, Music shops, Internet

Rationale: .my magazeian is all a bout indy ,rock, in my magazean i will be including my raders a lot more than the avrage mag, my mag wll have lots to do with all the up cumming gigs and keep te readers i the no because its at thy want, my magazean well all so be abel tosuscribe on line

Style: the style of my magazean is to make it fun fo my audence to enjoy , my mag willave lotsf posters and pichersto ake it more intresting , i am allso going to have a dubbel page spred on aban i lve called lttel genuis

picturs (shots)

over the sholder shot

friend ship , by using body parts

hight angel long shot

nature shot

comparason s

Thursday, 5 November 2009

5th of novermer

to day i started taks 11 and i am doing it at home i am also strting my ruff scetches of my contence page frount cover and dubble page spred

Friday, 30 October 2009


my magazine went well i stuck to the codes and comventions , for exampul my magazine has a colour sceme (three to for colours ) my colour sceem all so maches my contentc page , my front cover moddel has direct mode of adress , my wrighting on my contents page is allso 11

i really liked using photoshop and dident have menny problems using it , however when it came to quark express i foun it a lot harder to used but i came back at lunch times and i the got the hang of it and i did my contents page on ther

Saturday, 17 October 2009

my planning

These are my sketches, i drew these so you can see my rough idea on how my magazine will be set ot, on the cover and my contents, by showing you these, you will see how i improve and addapt my magazine for the better

Thursday, 15 October 2009

my cover lines

sowing club meets geraff
new students settel in
just dance
licence to drill
say hello to my littel friend
new school trips
meet the singers
the shout out
sticks and stons
dear dasiy
school bad mail
to be or not to be that is the question
that is the question

Friday, 9 October 2009


today we started our prelimanary tasks and i deciede what my colour scheme will be, orange black and terquoise. I choose these because they all contrasted each other and complemented each other, it will also make the magazine stand out. This is so my target audience will recognise it straight away as soon as they see the colours.

9th of october

Today we had a step by step tutorial on a programe called Quarkxpress, we learnt abot the tools needed to make a double page spread. I found it very easy and think it will be much more easy. i personaly prefare quarkxpress to photoshop as i think it will be easier to use.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

over the passed cuppel of weeks we have ben going out and tacking pictures we wher given a sheet to tell us what angels to take our picher from here are my picturs

Friday, 2 October 2009

the first two weeks

For the first two weeks we was started off , the teacher told us what the couse invloved . she all so went over the codes and conventions to give us a reminder and she also went over the different types of genre , we also watched Friends and Phenix Nights and analysed them and wrote and essay comparing them both .We then got split in to groups of four.In our grops we had to then create our own sit-com (situation comdey) and presnted it to the teacher as if we was trying to get them to buy it.