Thursday, 3 December 2009

pichers for dobbel page spred content page and frunt cover

contence page

this is my contents page i have stuck to the codes and conventions and i have designed my lay out simler to the way my target audences magezeans would look like eg karrang ,Q and others

pichers used on contents

this is a picher of larna holding a getar i have used her for my edditer and i have also used the getar as a back ground picher
this is a pic of my ticket for hollywoodundead i have u sed this a fue times but i have all so changed the colours of them to make it look like ther are different tickets , i have all so used it a a nother part of the back ground

this is a picher of mykee standing on an amp doing screemo this is in the back ground on my contance page , i chose to have this because it really relates to my audence

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

ruff seches of school magazeian

2nd december

to day i finished my contents page and i just need my main picture for my frount cover , i am all so geting my intervue tommorow an all i will then need to do it just quickly type it up , probley during a lunch time , my frount cover and doubble pge spred are all set out and reddy all i am wating for is a fue pictures and my intervue